Interface OAuthURLOptions

interface OAuthURLOptions {
    clientID: string;
    disableGuildSelect?: boolean;
    guildID?: string;
    integrationType?: ApplicationIntegrationTypes;
    permissions?: string;
    prompt?: "none" | "consent";
    redirectURI?: string;
    responseType?: "code" | "token";
    scopes: string[];
    state?: string;


clientID: string

The client id of the application.

disableGuildSelect?: boolean

If the guild dropdown should be disabled.

guildID?: string

The id of the guild to preselect.

integrationType?: ApplicationIntegrationTypes

The integration (install) type.

permissions?: string

The permissions to request.

prompt?: "none" | "consent"

consent to show the prompt, none to not show the prompt if the user has already authorized previously.

redirectURI?: string

The redirect uri of the application.

responseType?: "code" | "token"

The response type when authorized. code will result in query parameters that need to be exchanged with Discord for a token. token will result in fragment parameters that are not accessible server side, but this will be an immediate token.

scopes: string[]

The scopes to request.

state?: string

The state to send.