Class Application

Represents an application.

Hierarchy (view full)



approximateGuildCount: number

The approximate number of guilds the application is in.

coverImage: null | string

This application's rich presence invite cover image hash, if any.

customInstallURL?: string

This application's default custom authorization link, if any.

description: string

The description of the application.

The entitlements for this application. This will almost certainly be empty unless you fetch entitlements, or recieve new/updated entitlements.

flags: number

This application's flags.

guild: null | OAuthGuild

If this application is a game sold on Discord, the guild to which it has been linked. This will only be present if recieved via /applications/@me.

guildID: null | string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, the ID of the guild to which it has been linked.

icon: null | string

The icon hash of the application.

id: string
installParams?: InstallParams

Settings for this application's in-app authorization link, if enabled.

integrationTypes: ApplicationIntegrationTypes[]

The install types available for this application.

integrationTypesConfig: IntegrationTypesConfig

The configs for the install types available for this application.

interactionsEndpointURL: null | string

This applications interaction endpoint url, if any.

name: string

The name of the application.

primarySKUID?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, the id of the Game's SKU.

privacyPolicyURL?: string

A URL to this application's privacy policy.

roleConnectionsVerificationURL: null | string

This application's role connections verification url, if any.

rpcOrigins: string[]

A list of rpc origin urls, if rpc is enabled.

slug?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, the slug that links to its store page.

tags?: string[]

The tags for this application.

termsOfServiceURL?: string

A URL to this application's terms of service.

type: null | number

The type of this application.

verifyKey: string

The bot's hex encoded public key.



  • The url of this application's cover image.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string

  • The url of this application's icon.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string