Interface CreateAutoModerationRuleOptions

interface CreateAutoModerationRuleOptions {
    actions: AutoModerationAction[];
    enabled?: boolean;
    eventType: MESSAGE_SEND;
    exemptChannels?: string[];
    exemptRoles?: string[];
    name: string;
    reason?: string;
    triggerMetadata?: TriggerMetadata;
    triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypes;


The actions for the rule.

enabled?: boolean

If the rule is enabled.


The event type to trigger on.

exemptChannels?: string[]

The channels to exempt from the rule.

exemptRoles?: string[]

The roles to exempt from the rule.

name: string

The name of the rule.

reason?: string

The reason for creating the rule.

triggerMetadata?: TriggerMetadata

The metadata to use for the trigger.

The type of trigger to use.