Class AnnouncementChannel

Represents a guild announcement channel.

Merge Target


Hierarchy (view full)



defaultAutoArchiveDuration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080

The default auto archive duration for threads created in this channel.

guildID: string

The id of the guild this channel is in.

id: string
lastMessage?: null | Message<AnnouncementChannel>

The last message sent in this channel. This will only be present if a message has been sent within the current session.

lastMessageID: null | string

The ID of last message sent in this channel.

The cached messages in this channel.

name: string

The name of this channel.

nsfw: boolean

If this channel is age gated.

parentID: null | string

The ID of the parent of this channel, if applicable.

The permission overwrites of this channel.

position: number

The position of this channel on the sidebar.

rateLimitPerUser: 0

The amount of seconds between non-moderators sending messages. Always zero in announcement channels.

topic: null | string

The topic of the channel.

The threads in this channel.


  • get mention(): string
  • A string that will mention this channel.

    Returns string


  • Remove a reaction from a message in this channel.


    • messageID: string

      The ID of the message to remove a reaction from.

    • emoji: string

      The reaction to remove from the message. name:id for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis.

    • user: string = "@me"

      The user to remove the reaction from, @me for the current user (default).

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Remove all, or a specific emoji's reactions from a message in this channel.


    • messageID: string

      The ID of the message to remove reactions from.

    • Optional emoji: string

      The reaction to remove from the message. name:id for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis. Omit to remove all reactions.

    Returns Promise<void>