Class StageChannel

Represents a guild stage channel.




bitrate: number

The bitrate of the stage channel.

guildID: string

The id of the guild this channel is in.

id: string
name: string

The name of this channel.

parentID: null | string

The ID of the parent of this channel, if applicable.

permissionOverwrites: TypedCollection<string, RawOverwrite, PermissionOverwrite, []>

The permission overwrites of this channel.

position: number

The position of this channel on the sidebar.

rtcRegion: null | string

The id of the voice region of the channel, null is automatic.

topic: null | string

The topic of the channel.

The type of this channel.

voiceMembers: TypedCollection<string, RawMember, Member, [guildID: string]>


  • get mention(): string
  • A string that will mention this channel.

    Returns string


  • Delete a permission overwrite on this channel.


    • overwriteID: string

      The ID of the permission overwrite to delete.

    • Optional reason: string

      The reason for deleting the permission overwrite.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete the stage instance on this channel.


    • Optional reason: string

      The reason for deleting the stage instance.

    Returns Promise<void>