Interface CreateAnnouncementChannelOptions



availableTags?: null | Omit<ForumTag, "id">[]

[Forum] The tags available in the channel.

bitrate?: null | number

[Stage, Voice] The bitrate of the channel. Minimum 8000.

defaultAutoArchiveDuration?: null | 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080

[Announcement, Text] The default auto archive duration for the channel.

defaultForumLayout?: ForumLayoutTypes

[Forum] The default forum layout used to display threads.

defaultReactionEmoji?: null | ForumEmoji

[Forum] The default reaction emoji for threads.

defaultSortOrder?: null | SortOrderTypes

[Forum] The default sort order mode used to sort forum threads.

name: string

The name of the channel.

nsfw?: null | boolean

[Announcement, Text, Voice] If the channel is age restricted.

parentID?: null | string

The ID of the category to put this channel in.

permissionOverwrites?: null | OverwriteOptions[]

The permission overwrites to apply to the channel.

position?: null | number

The position of the channel.

rateLimitPerUser?: null | number

[Forum, Text] The seconds between sending messages for users. Between 0 and 21600.

reason?: string

The reason for creating the channel.

topic?: null | string

[Announcement, Forum, Text, Voice] The topic of the channel. In forum channels, this is the Guidelines section.

The type of channel to create.