Various methods for interacting with webhooks.


  • Webhooks



  • Delete a webhook.


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • Optional reason: string

      The reason for deleting the webhook.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete a webhook message.


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    • messageID: string

      The ID of the message.

    • Optional options: DeleteWebhookMessageOptions

      The options for deleting the message.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Delete a webhook via its token.


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Execute a GitHub compatible webhook.


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    • options: Record<string, unknown> & {
          wait: false;

      The options to send. See GitHub's documentation for more information.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters


    • webhookID: string
    • token: string
    • options: Record<string, unknown> & {
          wait?: true;

    Returns Promise<Message<T>>

  • Execute a slack compatible webhook.


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    • options: Record<string, unknown> & {
          wait: false;

      The options to send. See Slack's Documentation for more information.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters


    • webhookID: string
    • token: string
    • options: Record<string, unknown> & {
          wait?: true;

    Returns Promise<Message<T>>

  • Get a webhook by ID (and optionally token).


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • Optional token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    Returns Promise<Webhook>

  • Get the webhooks in the specified channel.


    • channelID: string

      The ID of the channel to get the webhooks of.

    Returns Promise<Webhook[]>

  • Get the webhooks in the specified guild.


    • guildID: string

      The ID of the guild to get the webhooks of.

    Returns Promise<Webhook[]>

  • Get a webhook message.

    Type Parameters


    • webhookID: string

      The ID of the webhook.

    • token: string

      The token of the webhook.

    • messageID: string

      The ID of the message.

    • Optional threadID: string

      The ID of the thread the message is in.

    Returns Promise<Message<T>>