Class VoiceState<T>

Represents a guild member's voice state.

Type Parameters




channelID: null | string

The ID of the channel the user is connected to.

deaf: boolean

If the associated member is deafened.

guildID: string

The ID of the guild this voice state is a part of.

id: string
mute: boolean

If the associated member is muted.

requestToSpeakTimestamp: null | Date

The time at which the associated member requested to speak.

selfDeaf: boolean

If the associated member is self deafened.

selfMute: boolean

If the associated member is self muted.

selfStream: boolean

If the associated member is streaming.

selfVideo: boolean

If the associated member is has their camera on.

sessionID: string

The id of the associated member's voice session.

suppress: boolean

If the associated member is suppressed.

userID: string

The ID of the user associated with this voice state.

