Interface ExecuteWebhookWaitOptions



allowedMentions?: AllowedMentions

An object that specifies the allowed mentions in this message.

attachments?: MessageAttachment[]

An array of partial attachments related to the sent files.

avatarURL?: string

The url of an avatar to use.

components?: MessageActionRow[]

An array of components to send. snake_case keys should be converted to camelCase, or passed through Util#rawMessageComponents.

content?: string

The content of the message.

embeds?: EmbedOptions[]

An array of embeds to send. snake_case keys should be converted to camelCase, or passed through Util#rawEmbeds.

files?: File[]

The files to send.

flags?: number

The flags to send with the message.

threadID?: string

The id of the thread to send the message to.

threadName?: string

The name of the thread to create (forum channels).

tts?: boolean

If the message should be spoken aloud.

username?: string

The username to use.

wait: true