Interface CreateChatInputApplicationCommandOptions

interface CreateChatInputApplicationCommandOptions {
    defaultMemberPermissions?: null | string;
    description: string;
    descriptionLocalizations?: null | Partial<Record<Locale, string>>;
    dmPermission?: null | boolean;
    id?: string;
    name: string;
    nameLocalizations?: null | Partial<Record<Locale, string>>;
    nsfw?: boolean;
    options?: ApplicationCommandOptions[];
    type: CHAT_INPUT;

Hierarchy (view full)


defaultMemberPermissions?: null | string

The default member permissions for the command.

description: string

The description of the command.

descriptionLocalizations?: null | Partial<Record<Locale, string>>

A dictionary of locales to localized descriptions.

dmPermission?: null | boolean

If the command can be used in a DM.

id?: string

The ID of the command, if known. (Only usable when bulkEditing guild commands.)

name: string

The name of the command.

nameLocalizations?: null | Partial<Record<Locale, string>>

A dictionary of locales to localized names.

nsfw?: boolean

Whether the command is age restricted.

See Discord's docs for more information. Convert snake_case keys to camelCase.

The type of the command.