Class Integration

Represents a guild integration.






The account information associated with this integration.

application: null | PartialApplication

The application associated with this integration.

enableEmoticons: boolean

If emoticons should be synced for this integration.

enabled: boolean

If this integration is enabled.

The behavior of expiring subscribers.

expireGracePeriod?: number

The grace period (in days) before expiring subscribers.

guildID: null | string

The ID of the guild this integration belongs to, if applicable.

id: string
name: string

The name of the integration.

revoked: boolean

If this integration has been revoked.

roleID: null | string

The id of the role this integration uses for subscribers, if any.

scopes?: string[]

The scopes the application associated with this integration has been authorized for.

subscriberCount?: number

The number of subscribers this integration has.

syncedAt?: Date

The last date at which this integration was synced at.

syncing: boolean

If this integration is syncing.

type: "twitch" | "youtube" | "discord" | "guild_subscription"

The type of integration.

user?: User

The user associated with this integration, if applicable.