Class InviteGuild

Represents a guild received via an invite.





  • The url of this guild's banner.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string

  • The url of this guild's icon.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string

  • The url of this guild's invite splash.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string


banner: null | string

The hash of this guild's banner.

description: null | string

The description of this guild.


The features this guild has.

icon: null | string

The icon hash of this guild.

id: string
name: string

The name of this guild.

nsfwLevel: GuildNSFWLevels

The nsfw level of this guild.

premiumSubscriptionCount?: number

The number of nitro boosts this guild has.

splash: null | string

The invite splash hash of this guild.

vanityURLCode: null | string

The vanity url of this guild. Only present in guilds with the VANITY_URL feature.

verificationLevel: VerificationLevels

The verification level of this guild.