Class PartialApplication

Represents a partial application.

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Base
    • PartialApplication



botPublic?: boolean

When false, only the application's owners can invite the bot to guilds.

botRequireCodeGrant?: boolean

When true, the applications bot will only join upon the completion of the full oauth2 code grant flow.

description: string

The description of the application.

icon: null | string

The icon hash of the application.

id: string
name: string

The name of the application.

verifyKey?: string

The bot's hex encoded public key.



  • The url of this application's icon.


    • Optional format: "jpg" | "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" | "gif"

      The format the url should be.

    • Optional size: number

      The dimensions of the image.

    Returns null | string