Interface GatewayOptions

interface GatewayOptions {
    autoReconnect?: boolean;
    compress?: boolean | "zlib-stream" | "zstd-stream";
    concurrency?: number | "auto";
    connectionProperties?: {
        browser?: string;
        device?: string;
        os?: string;
    connectionTimeout?: number;
    dispatcher?: DispatcherOptions;
    firstShardID?: number;
    getAllUsers?: boolean;
    guildCreateTimeout?: number;
    largeThreshold?: number;
    lastShardID?: number;
    lookupDisallowedIntents?: boolean;
    maxReconnectAttempts?: number;
    maxResumeAttempts?: number;
    maxShards?: number | "auto";
    override?: OverrideOptions;
    presence?: UpdatePresenceOptions;
    reconnectDelay?: ReconnectDelayFunction;
    removeDisallowedIntents?: boolean;
    seedVoiceConnections?: boolean;
    shardIDs?: number[];
    ws?: ClientOptions;


autoReconnect?: boolean

If dropped connections should be automatically reconnected.

Default Value

compress?: boolean | "zlib-stream" | "zstd-stream"

If packets to and from Discord should be compressed.


true is the same as zlib-stream. This behavior is deprecated.

Default Value

concurrency?: number | "auto"

The concurrency for shard connections. If you don't know what this is, don't mess with it. Only bots in >150,000 servers can use any non-default value.

Default Value

connectionProperties?: {
    browser?: string;
    device?: string;
    os?: string;

The properties used when identifying.

Type declaration

  • Optional browser?: string

    The browser of the client. For example, "Discord Android" or "Discord iOS" to show as mobile.

    Default Value

  • Optional device?: string

    The device of the client.

    Default Value

  • Optional os?: string

    The operating system of the client.

    Default Value


connectionTimeout?: number

The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to be established.

Default Value

dispatcher?: DispatcherOptions

The options for the dispatcher, which handles events.

firstShardID?: number

The ID of the first shard to run for this client. Mutually exclusive with shardIDs.

Default Value

getAllUsers?: boolean

If the members of all guilds should be requested. Requires the GUILD_MEMBERS intent.

Default Value

guildCreateTimeout?: number

The time in milliseconds after which the client will consider all guilds to have been received.

Default Value


The intents to use. Either a number, array of intent names, array of numbers, or "ALL"/"ALL_NON_PRIVILEGED". All non privileged intents are used by default.

Default Value

{@link Constants~AllNonPrivilegedIntents | All Non Privileged Intents}
largeThreshold?: number

The threshold at which guilds are considered "large" (after which offline members will not be loaded).

Default Value

lastShardID?: number

The ID of the last shard to run for this client. Mutually exclusive with shardIDs.

Default Value

maxShards - 1
lookupDisallowedIntents?: boolean

If upon recieving a disconnect for disallowed intents, we should request the application's flags and list the privileged intents that are missing in the error. This requires making a request to /applications/@me.

Default Value

maxReconnectAttempts?: number

The maximum number of attempts to reconnect.

Default Value

maxResumeAttempts?: number

The maximum number of attempts to resume a lost connection.

Default Value

maxShards?: number | "auto"

The total number of shards across all running clients. Limit the number of shards per client via firstShardID & lastShardID.

Default Value

override?: OverrideOptions

Options for overriding default gateway behavior.

The initial presence to use when connecting.

reconnectDelay?: ReconnectDelayFunction

A function to calculate the delay between reconnect attempts.

Default Value

(lastDelay, attempts) => Math.pow(attempts + 1, 0.7) * 20000
removeDisallowedIntents?: boolean

If a check should be made before connecting, which will remove any disallowed intents. This requires making a request to /applications/@me. Any removed intents will be emitted via the warn event.

Default Value

seedVoiceConnections?: boolean

If existing voice connections should be populated. This will disconnect connections from other sessions.

Default Value

shardIDs?: number[]

An array of shard IDs to run for this client. Mutually exclusive with firstShardID & lastShardID. An array of shard IDs to run for this client. Mutually exclusive with firstShardID & lastShardID.

Default Value

based on firstShardID & lastShardID

ws?: ClientOptions

The options to pass to constructed websockets.